British Telecom
British Telecom is one of the world's leading communications services companies. It serves the needs of customers in the UK and in 180 countries worldwide. BT’s main activities are the provision of fixed-line services, broadband, mobile and TV products and services as well as networked IT services.
Within iqClock BT will feed operator requirements for Timing and Synchronisation into the project. We will look in depth at telecoms use cases to help gauge potential for technology emerging from the project. We will also be involved in technology trials, especially within an operator environment. Finally we will assist with dissemination, and in particular help present the technology to potential future end customers, again within the telecoms application context. |
Team members
Andrew Lord currently leads BT’s optical core and access research including optical access, high speed transmission, Software Defined Networking and Quantum Communications. He regularly speaks at conferences and was Technical Program Chair for OFC 2015 and General Chair for OFC 2017. He is an associate Editor of Journal of Journal of Lightwave Technology, is Visiting Professor at Essex University, Senior Member of the IEEE and a Chartered Engineer with the IET. He currently is project manager for the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘Metro-Haul’.
Contact: [email protected] |